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Review: NewTek TriCaster TCXD850 Extreme

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说到录音,TCDX850X能够录制任何输入的全高清(1080p30) as well as the program or AUX outputs, 同时记录输出沿隔离记录多达八个同时相机输入与其专有的IsoCorder软件.

This feature can’t be overemphasized. During a live video production session, the TCXD850X can stream, send a video mix to large screens in a local facility (often called 图像放大), 并录制一个AVI, mpeg - 2, 或QuickTime版本的每个相机以及主(程序)输出. 对于那些可能想要将单个相机专用于特定体育运动员或舞台演员的人来说,这个功能是理想的. NewTek includes an editing tool to replace shots or trim content, 让导演或制片人在现场演出时安心, 因为他们知道,他们可以在按需版本上使用IsoCorder隔离摄像机录制的后期制作魔术.


TCXD850X has a plethora of inputs and outputs. Ranging from AES audio to multiple analog and digital video options, the TCXD850X has an input option for almost every use-case scenario.


每个8个视频输入有三个BNC连接器,以允许选择组件, 复合, Y/C, 或SDI输入. Given the number of BNC connectors on the back of the TriCaster, 内置的BNC插入工具对于我们这些手指过大或害怕小地方的人来说是一个受欢迎和周到的补充. TCXD850X在所有8个同步视频输入上使用4:4:4:4视频处理和32位浮点处理器功能. TriCaster can use any combination of HD-SDI, 高清组件, SD-SDI, SD组件, Y / C (BNC), 或复合. SMPTE specifications include SMPTE 292M (HD-SDI) and SMPTE 259M/ITU-R BT.656 (SD-SDI).

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With the combination of two DDRs as well as two network inputs, 烫金, 和剧照, the TCXD850X is capable of mixing 22 video inputs, 包括八个虚拟输入,是NewTek提供的虚拟集的一部分.


一系列Cannon 3-pin (XLR)连接器提供模拟音频输入(8)和输出(4), 另外一组8个XLR连接器通过每个XLR连接器的两个数字立体声对提供AES音频输入/输出. 8个SDI连接器, used exclusively for audio, also provide embedded audio in stereo pairs, 带有4个SDI连接器,用于输出8个声道音频(4个立体声对).

Audio is set at a constant frequency and bit depth (24 bits, 48千赫)没有能力上升(为24/96千赫录音)或下降(为16/44.1 kHz录音); 48 kHz is a good common ground, but with 24-bit recording functionality for a studio- based product, it would be nice to see a 96-kHz option.


The TCXD850X sports two DVI connectors, one for program and another for multiview, 预览, or auxiliary (AUX) outputs. These two DVI connectors can be concfverted to HDMI or VGA, thanks to the fact that the DVI connectors are DVI-I, or integrated analog and digital connectors. The two DVI connectors, while marked as Program and AUX respectively, can actually be used for either type of output view.

在我们的测试中,当我们在活动会话期间断开一个监视器时,我们遇到了一个问题. Doing so caused the other monitor we were using to incorrectly display a screen view not intended for it; the TriCaster had attempted to push the primary screen to what had been the secondary monitor. 重新连接第一个监视器无法将屏幕恢复到先前选择的输出. NewTek is aware of this problem, notes that it may involve an EDID monitor identification mismatch, and is seeking a solution to the replicable problem. 可以肯定地说,监视器只应该在Windows管理模式下或在TriCaster关闭后断开连接.

Streaming and Transcoding

In our testing, we simultaneously recorded and streamed a live event. We then used the transcoding features in postproduction, 以便将录制版本转换为各种点播格式.


NewTek在TCXD850X上采用了一种与一般集成编码解决方案不同的方法. While recording settings prompt for choosdzving AVI, H.264, mpeg - 2或QuickTime,由内容分发网络(CDN)提示的流设置. When one configures the streaming connection for a TriCaster session, 这些选项包括各种cdn和在线视频平台的快捷链接, 包括Akamai, BitGravity, Brightcove, 转播画面, The Sermon Network (for houses of worship), Ustream, 和YouTube.

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Once the settings are established, TriCaster用户可以选择将音频净空设置在+6到+20 db的范围内,然后可以测试连接. The TCXD850X is capable of 16:9 streaming, 高达720p, using either Adobe Flash or Windows Media Push/Pull. Streaming can be performed with the H.264 codec, and NewTek also includes VC-1 codec support.


NewTek已经消除了在摄取时进行转码的需要,以便在现场生产中用于两个ddr, as most major formats are recognized. For postproduction work, such as editing on NewTek’s included nonlinear editing (NLE) tool, there is a need to transcode content. 准备在非tricaster系统上录制的内容进行编辑, 一个片段必须转编码为speedhq识别的视频格式(TriCaster喜欢的视频格式,SpeedEDIT NLE工具基于此格式)。.

所包含的转码工具也便于将TriCaster录音转换为多种按需流媒体格式. TCXD850X uses the core FFmpeg engine, an open source transcoding engine. 虽然FFmpeg还不是多线程的(这意味着txd850x不能利用所有内核) to accelerate a single transcoding of a single file), 每个转码会话可以使用一个处理器内核同时进行多个转码. Since the TCXD850X has eight cores to work with, up to eight transcoding instances could occur simultaneously.


目前在TriCaster TCXD850和TCXD850X之间的定价有10美元的delta,000, with the TCXD850 priced at $24,995 and the TCXD850X priced at $34,995. The TCXD80 CS (control surface) runs $5,995, 但我们已经看到了特殊的捆绑产品,可以将设备和控制表面的总成本降低几千美元.

对于大多数想要升级到Extreme版本的TCXD850用户来说,还有一个好消息:TCXD850和TCXD850X的底层基于windows的系统现在是具有相同处理器的相同物理单元. When the Extreme version began shipping in June 2011, 纽泰克悄悄地开始推出功能强大的TriCaster 850,利用了Sandy Bridge总线架构和图形增强功能.

这种面向未来的方法使tcxd850到tcxd850x的升级可以作为软件升级在现场更快地执行, 而不需要像原来的TCXD850那样进行劳动密集型的“把它送回newtek”硬件升级. NewTek牢记客户的长期扩张目标,这一点值得称赞. 

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