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MPEG LA Announces Proposed HEVC Licensing Terms

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Yesterday, MPEG LA announced proposed license terms for HEVC. 我们分析了新闻稿,并与MPEG LA进行了交谈,以下是我们知道的和不知道的.

The terms are better for content publishers. Specifically, there are no content-related royalties; if H.264 video is sold via pay-per-view or subscription in sufficient quantities, royalties will apply. 有了HEVC,就不会有任何与内容相关的版税.

Intuitively, this makes a lot of sense. Content publishers often carry a lot of weight in standards decisions like the choice between VP9 and HEVC; for example, Time Warner’s decision 蓝光被广泛认为是HD DVD的丧钟.

I asked MPEG LA vice president Bill Geary, who helped formalize the HEVC group, 关于不收取内容相关版税的决定. 他解释说,这一决定与今天的内容制作和发布方式有关, especially as compared to the past. Specifically, 当编码视频通过磁盘或电缆传输时, tracking creation and consumption was simple. 然而,如今大量可用的发行媒介使这变得更加复杂. HEVC知识产权所有者希望以“现代流线型泳池许可方法”使条款尽可能简单.”

In my Streaming Media West session on HEVC, I boldly predicted HEVC知识产权所有者会试图对HEVC编码的内容收取版税. Geary当时在场,他强烈地认为情况并非如此.

对于编码器/解码器供应商来说,这些术语的成本更高. Both H.264和HEVC除了前10万台外,都是0美元.20 per unit after the first 100,000. However, with H.264, the royalty dropped to $0.10 after 5 million units and is capped at $6.5 million through 2115. HEVC的版税从未下降,上限为2500万美元.

While $25 million is a big number, 最重要的计算机相关公司可能达到6美元.5 H.264 cap are Adobe, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. 虽然苹果不太可能不授权HEVC, after all, 他们是第一家在MPEG LA新闻稿中列出的公司, it will be interesting to watch what Google does.

In January 2011, Google promised to remove H.264 from Chrome and never carried through, a seeming recognition of the fact that H.264 was dominant. If Google licenses HEVC for Chrome, 这将被视为一种类似的认识,即HEVC也将成为主导标准. Stay tuned on that one.

条款和参与者仍在进行中. 新闻稿包括21个HEVC知识产权所有者的名单, including Apple, Cisco, Fraunhofer, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, Thomson Licensing, and Vidyo. 它指出,这些条款目前得到25个专利持有人的支持, of which four declined to be identified. 

HEVC最大的担忧之一是,重要的专利持有人会选择退出专利池, 迫使HEVC用户与多家公司签订多个许可协议. 我向Geary询问了一些没有上市的知名公司,包括AT&T, Microsoft, Nokia, and Motorola. He declined to comment about who’s in and who’s out, 但他指出了新闻稿中声明的措辞,

随着评估专利重要性和最终协议条款的工作继续进行, 该许可目前由25个潜在HEVC基本专利持有人支持,包括以下公司(上市公司). 参与促进过程的其他专利持有人也可能包括在内, and others are welcome to join.

MPEG LA发布了该版本,以提供25个基本专利持有人接受的条款的市场指导. 但新闻稿明确指出,这些条款不是最终的, 尽管MPEG LA预计将在2014年初发布HEVC专利组合许可.因此,猜测谁会加入、谁不会加入还为时过早.

Though short of final, 提议的条款回答了许多关键问题, 特别是对于那些因为潜在的版税而担心分发hevc编码文件的内容所有者. 尽管编码器/解码器供应商可能不喜欢增加上限, 至少他们对皇室的画面会如何发展有一个感觉. 

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