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Logitech Updates the Revue (Sort Of)


Logitech is finally rolling out a 固件更新 to its recently iced Revue set-top box, 希望能让产品在假日季对新客户更有吸引力,因为该公司希望清理库存,该公司首席执行官表示,这一“错误”使公司损失了数千万美元.

然而, the 固件更新 lacks several key video features that cause concern among users, 这可能是理解罗技Revue失败的关键,不是因为谷歌电视本身,而是因为罗技未能实现完整的谷歌电视功能集.

The 固件更新 adds limited "Google TV 2.0" functionality, a series of enhancement based around Android 3.1 (Honeycomb) that Google announced in late October. At the time of the Google TV 2.0的声明, 阿施施Arora, vice president and general manager of Logitech's Digital 首页 Group, stated that one of the key features would be enhancements to the integrated media player.

“我们很高兴地宣布,罗技Revue与谷歌电视的免费自动更新即将到来," wrote Arora in an October 28 博客. "Some key developments will include access to the Android Market, faster and more comprehensive search capabilities, 简化的用户界面, and improvements to the Logitech Media Player."

不到两周后, Logitech announced it was discontinuing the Revue unit, 这是该公司在欧洲和非洲销售100美元失误的一部分,而且该公司的销售额也不尽如人意. 我们用a表示这个决定 前一篇文章, 他指出,罗技的首席执行官将进军谷歌电视市场称为“带着测试版产品的全面发布,让我们付出了高昂的代价。.“然而, 当该公司承诺履行其承诺,带来谷歌电视2的更新功能时,我们印象深刻.到剧团去. 

Between Google's announcement of Google TV 2.0 and Logitech's subsequent announcement to deep-six the Revue, rival Sony launched a 固件更新 for its award-winning NSZ-GT1谷歌电视盒 that included all the major functionality of Google TV 2.0.

几个星期过去了,罗技公司没有透露固件发布日期,用户开始为更新而激动. 一些客户在罗技论坛上大声抱怨,而另一些客户则呼吁耐心等待,以便罗技“把它做好”,避免最初固件遇到的问题.  当罗技开始出货Revue单位与“新的和改进”的标签在盒子外面时,混乱随之而来, leading the company to issue a 澄清 盒子外面的标签并不意味着盒子里的Revue单元实际上有下一个版本的谷歌电视软件. 

When the 固件更新 began rolling out early this week, 然而, all attention turned to the anticipated full release of Google TV 2.0 goodness and an enhanced video streaming and media consumption experience.

欢乐很快就变成了沮丧,因为Revue用户很明显,罗技选择不支持Google TV 2的全部功能.0 in the Logitech Media Player. 

To learn more about the limitations of the 固件更新, we tested Sony and Logitech Revue units side-by-side with a set of video files, probing to find where Logitech had failed to implement Google TV 2.0媒体功能. The setup and basic formats used can be found at 过渡的工作流博客.

One of the biggest limitations found is the lack of support for transport streams (.ts) and the MPEG-2 codec, both of which Sony implemented in its NSZ-GT1谷歌电视盒.


然而,, 与替代媒体播放器开发人员的对话显示,Revue不仅能够支持MPEG-2和传输流, 但是,TS和MPEG-2支持已经在Honeycomb的预发布版本中提供,可以加载到Revue硬件上. 此外,它似乎是一个旧版本的媒体播放器功能上列出 罗技的页面 最近一次是在12月11日(在推出新的Revue软件更新之后),但后来被删除了.

Alexander Kolychev, creator of the GTV Box Player [www.gtvbox.net] app that is available on the Android Market, 首先在10月初开始为罗技媒体播放器开发一款替代应用, almost a month before Google's announcement of Google TV's update to Android 3.1 /蜂巢.

我们向Alexander询问了他最初尝试让Revue播放用于workflow博客测试的测试内容的情况, based on a few comments he'd made on a 谷歌电视黑客网站 在10月初的蜂巢测试中,他多次提到传输流和M2TS:

SM: Did the Revue hardware play M2TS content and VOBs with no problem?

AK: 正如你从GTVHacker了解到的, 当我开始开发GTVBox播放器时,我在我的Revue上使用了泄露的蜂巢测试版. 这个泄露的测试版原生支持谷歌支持页面上列出的所有格式,除了DTS声音. So [Revue] was able to play VOBs and MP2TS streams perfectly.

SM: Even though the Revue does not natively support M2TS, TS, or the MPEG-2 codec in this week's firmware roll-out, is your GTV Box player able to still play content in these formats, like you were able to in the early Honeycomb leak?

AK: 在第二次蜂窝泄漏(GTVHacker上称为UserDebug)中,MPEG2编解码器和MP2TS已经不能工作了. At that moment, I was thinking it was kind of a bug. But when the official release came out [this week], it appeared that it was switched off for a reason. GTVBox is able to play only natively supported formats, so it can not handle MP2TS and MPEG2 any more on Logitech Revue.

SM: Was the code eliminated from the Revue firmware version or "switched off" as you say, 仍然可以访问?

AK: 我相信MPEGTS支持仍然存在于Revue代码的某个地方,但无法访问. If you look closer at Google TV's system log, when you start to play a video file with unknown mime type, it tests a file against various templates for different file formats: MOV, MP4, WMV, AVI, TS, PS. Revue也做同样的测试. When you try to play TS/PS file [on Revue], it actually detects it correctly, but then states it like "unknown.“看起来谷歌确实提供了一些支持所有格式的通用源代码, but Logitech just switched something off.

我们要求罗技发表声明,澄清为什么它会选择取消对Revue的一些编解码器和协议支持, 因为与索尼NSZ-GT1相比,缺乏支持的格式是一个常见的抱怨,可以追溯到2010年底的论坛线程.

We have yet to receive a statement, 但有消息称,Revue能够播放罗技禁止其客户使用的某些格式,这令人不安, 因为罗技的阿罗拉曾特别指出,罗技媒体播放器的改进是现有客户升级的主要好处之一. 对于那些仍然在亚马逊(Amazon)或百思买(Best Buy)购买reve产品的新客户来说,这也是一个麻烦.

There is the outside possibility that Logitech will launch another 固件更新, 至少在一个人看来是这样 拉里·杨访谈, 谷歌电视产品经理, who notes that Google is working with Logitech to determine future releases.

杨说,罗技仍然有一个团队在为他们的设备开发谷歌电视软件, but the elimination of key features from Google TV 2.0提出了两个问题.

第一个, 如果罗技自己选择充当特定的谷歌电视特性和功能的看门人,为什么罗技会因为Revue的失败而指责谷歌呢?

第二个, if Logitech went to the trouble to push out an update for a discontinued product, as an attempt to engender good will with its current (and future) customers, why go to the trouble to eliminate key video support features?

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产品经理Salahudding Choudhary演示了谷歌电视如何促进广播和网络节目的搜索