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直播峰会 at 流媒体西部 will bring together several of the industry's leading minds to talk about the problems and possibilities facing live video's future. Schauer Kip, 谷歌云的全球媒体和娱乐主管, 其中一个是会议发言人吗, 当我们都在为这个大日子做准备时,他很有风度地提出要回答几个问题.

流媒体:体育直播, 新闻, 活动流媒体正在蓬勃发展, 但感觉我们还没到那一步. 有什么问题需要克服?

Schauer Kip:体育直播的挑战可以归结为三个方面:延迟, 视频质量, 生产能力. We still can’t really reliably deliver an HD ABR signal to every device and every home that wants it because we aren’t quite able to tune digital ABR transcoding to ensure the best possible picture for each user. 与此同时, sports are so active with motion and there is such a desire to emulate the live and in person experience from the audience that between audience expectations and the pure technical challenges of handling all the intense motion and rapidly changing camera angles, we still have a ways to go to get there from a bandwidth and transcode optimization standpoint even in an on-demand scenario where buffering is possible. 当我们把接近零延迟的期望放在混合中, the challenges get even more difficult because there is no room to recover or pre-buffer content without incurring video latency. So we still need the industry to get better at optimizing live video and we need to see a proliferation of more consistent bandwidth options and, 在某种程度上, 快, 更强大的设备,优化视频解码, 也. 一旦你把广告盈利和这些额外的期望放在一起,延迟就会再次受到影响. 简而言之, 我们在视频分发技术和基础设施方面面临挑战, 在生产工具和选项中, 广告商业模式也在不断变化,需要改进,才能真正让体育直播发挥作用.


这些可以归结为两个方面, one of which I discussed above regarding optimizing video delivery transcoding based on device capability and bandwidth constraints. 的 goal there being delivering exactly the right chunk of digital video at the right time on every device at a granular level to produce an optimal and continuous experience on every device. 的re are so many variables there that the experience really needs to be personalized to nearly every user or at least much more adaptable. 机器学习将帮助我们缩小这一差距.

第二个领域是关于设备的格式和期望. 大多数体育直播制作都没有考虑到9:16的屏幕宽高比. 这是正确的决定吗? 这是怎么发生的? 这值得吗? 有什么工具可以合理地做到这一点,并衡量其影响? How should video players and devices and transcode profiles deal with switching between a vertical view and landscape view on a mobile device? 这些都是需要克服的业务、生产和技术挑战. 除了, what other interactive options are going to become the new normal when it comes to consumption on devices and what kinds of new data integrations? 所有这些, 当然, has to happen at low latency and with a great quality of experience in addition to everything else we need to solve for basic delivery to an increasingly changing landscape of devices.

上周我们 覆盖一项调查 saying that many people with pay TV subscriptions don’t want to cut the cord because they don’t want to lose access to live local and sports programming. OTT是否存在知识鸿沟,即人们不了解自己的选择?

我认为授权交易和选择限制仍然在发挥作用, 但消费者对OTT选择的信心肯定存在差距. 品牌需要时间来建立提供优质产品的声誉, 现场体育和本地节目的高质量体验. 越来越多的地方广播公司将节目带到这里, but still 90 percent or more of their revenue is driven by linear television distribution in the form of re-transmission agreements and traditional television advertising. 

No one in the OTT space has yet emerged as a reliable household name for providing any of that programming in a way that is well understood or unlikely to change radically over the next two to three years. That’s the inherent challenge in both building brand reputation as either an OTT vMVPD like PlutoTV or even an established online company like Yahoo or Twitter or Twitch. 没有人确定长期的权利是什么, 游戏体验将如何发展, 会有多少观众, 或者推销什么,没有人的报道是全面的. 很难教会人们什么是他们可以依靠的,直到很多事情发生, 但与此同时, 在这个领域有很多用户,有很多内容可以提供, 尤其是通过不需要承诺的AVOD服务. 这需要更多的消费者教育, 市场营销, and closing the quality of experience gaps we’ve talked about and changing the way licensing deals work in order to really have cord-cutting take off.

如今,传统的MVPD提供商,如AT的DirecTV&T probably have the most potential to close the gap quickly with their stand-alone OTT services because they already have some consumer confidence and a lock on much of the local programming they need. YouTube TV和Apple TV都开始缩小这些差距, 但不一定要直接与目标受众打交道. 


现在有多种编码和转码选项可以提供极低延迟的交付. AV1编解码器嵌入到HLS或MPEG/DASH中,用于直播,这是由谷歌推动的, 微软, 亚马逊, 和Netflix通过开放媒体联盟, (http://aomedia.org),并正在改进无损压缩,并允许更快地传输实时视频信号. 除了, 传统的本地编码和转码向云的转变以及高吞吐量的出现, low latency dedicated interconnect access means that we can increasingly move signals directly into the cloud for on-demand, 暴增, cost-effective parallel processing including ABR transcoding and even near real-time post production and content insertion.

所有实时信号都变成云原生的能力, 开放, and secure via watermarking and encryption 开放s the door for nearly infinite use of computing resources to ensure a low-latency, 质量经验. Once all live signals are going straight to the cloud and any piece of software from any company can securely provide value-added services virtually, 几乎任何类型的低延迟生产都成为可能. 

营销对现场活动的成功有多重要, 人们如何才能最好地推广在线直播活动?

营销是使现场活动成功的一个关键方面, 但是成功的营销需要四个独立的活动. 

  1. 建立一个在现场活动分销方面享有声誉的品牌. 如果你没有的话, 首先与一个人合作,然后随着时间的推移建立品牌声誉或建立合作关系.
  2. 围绕某种类型的内容为品牌建立一个利基市场. 叙述为什么某些事件对你的品牌来说是最好的体验,为什么每个体验都是独一无二的. 有时候,你的在线活动并不是你的观众的唯一选择, 所以应该有一些价值主张.
  3. 如果你在谈论现场体育赛事, 在场馆推广品牌和活动是营销的重要组成部分. Making fans feel like they can reasonably substitute your experience for the live venue experience or giving them some way to feel connected to the venue is important.
  4. 在与你的活动相关的活动或有类似受众的活动中推广你的活动. A person in the act of engaging in a like experience and enjoying it is far more likely to respond well to 市场营销 a similar experience later. 社交媒体广告是相当有效的, 传统的电视广告也是如此, 但如果你要推广一项体育赛事, getting to your audience at a time when they are most receptive to your message is critically important to making your event successful. 推动品牌和活动的知名度发生在这里, 然后,更多的环境营销将有助于提醒人们事件即将到来.

没有一个真正有效的营销活动或一致的, established audience for a reliable schedule of events (which is much harder to build and requires lots of 市场营销) it’s going to be hard to have successful events. 那些在几年时间里建立了可靠声誉并不断调整其营销信息和策略的品牌, 提高自己的声誉将会获得最大的成功. Getting a learning loop in place that is data-driven and that integrates all aspects of the 市场营销 approach into event production is crucial to long term success. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


视频盗版愈演愈烈,体育直播提供商也感到了刺痛. 了解流媒体西部期间可用的技术解决方案.


This year's 直播峰会 at 流媒体西部 kicks off with a discussion about the challenges and opportunities around monetizing live streams. 我们采访了主持人Christopher Roselli.关于盈利的新方法.