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Implementing Real-Time Video 协作 in the Enterprise


很明显,越来越多的组织认识到,通过实时视频通信进行面对面的互动,可以极大地提高协作和生产力,本·平克顿说, technical marketing manager at Vidyo公司.

平克顿说 Vidyo公司, which makes the Vidyo公司 Platform for enterprise-based video collaboration, sees several factors contributing to the rising use of video, 通过桌面和移动客户端, 在企业中.

“Increasingly distributed work forces, it的消费化——通常被称为自带设备(BYOD)——以及对支持通信的业务流程日益增长的需求都起到了促进作用,平克顿说.

协作, content, 对话, 合作, 甚至竞争——竞争者之间的合作——也只是围绕企业视频使用概念的几个流行语. But what exactly do vendors mean by enterprise collaboration solutions?

这是一个棘手的问题. 让我们从企业协作不是什么开始,至少从视频的角度来看. It’s not just a portal, a content management system, or even a social network. But it includes aspects of all three.

Most companies have portals and intranet platforms, 有些是相当健壮的, 但它们的主要目的是以一对多的广播方式向外推送信息. 可以把它们看作是电子版的人力百家乐软件(HR)或职业安全公告板,上面写满了工作规定和材料安全数据表(MSDS)。.

The concept of internal enterprise (interprise, for short) collaboration is on the rise, and interprise social networks are leading the charge. Though their popularity has waned in recent years, 内部社交网络为员工发布想法和行动项目提供了一种方式,供其他员工查看. 当Facebook在30多岁的人群中成为一种新现象时,许多供应商提供了“面向企业的Facebook”解决方案.

Finally, a CMS isn’t inherently collaborative. 从经典的CMS到企业博客到HubSpot或社交媒体管理工具, 这些工具通常用于发布超出防火墙范围的content. 像这样, they aren’t enterprise collaboration tools; they’re designed to be outward-facing ways to engage existing or potential customers.



然而,可能还有一个更令人信服的合作理由,至少对小企业来说是这样. A video network service provider called 牛仔裤网 (“因为他们感觉舒服”)上个月推出了一项研究,研究基于视频的协作如何改变中小企业的竞争方式. And it looks a lot like collaboration.

牛仔裤网 has a large presence in the U.S., and it also has a growing presence in Australia. The company commissioned research to look at enterprise collaboration, from small businesses to larger ones, 横跨澳大利亚大陆.

“协作 shouldn’t be reserved for those with expensive travel budgets,凯利·西利格说, 高级主管, 营销传播, 在牛仔裤网. “Getting face-to-face access to customers, 合作伙伴, and even competitors is essential for driving businesses innovation forward.”

Since the 牛仔裤网 premise is to sell video collaboration services, Seelig brought the findings—which stated that Australian innovation is driven, 至少在某种程度上是这样, 通过小企业之间的协作——回到视频协作如何帮助推动创新.

“With the latest cloud-based video collaboration tools, everyone can adopt a more innovative working culture,谢林说。.

Different Tools, Different Toolbox

Because enterprise video collaboration has such a wide-ranging set of use cases, 有许多类型的工具可用于协作,这是理所当然的.

说到行业类型, 虽然, it’s often not just the tools that are different but the toolbox itself. Even when we narrow the field to enterprise video collaboration tools, the proper bits and pieces can be a bit hard to pin down.

举个例子, consider three use cases: the mobile sales warrior, 办公室职员, and a field supervisor in the trades.

The mobile sales warrior needs documents and data, with a limited need to see the collaborator, unless it’s part of a presentation that she can’t attend in person. On the opposite end of the spectrum, a field supervisor in the trades, 比如管道, 可能更需要看到合作者和经验不足的合作者所要解决的问题. 在这种情况下, 在狭小的空间中需要非常好的视频连接,这可能意味着是使用适当的部件完成任务,还是被迫进行更长时间的试错工作.

In the middle use case sits 办公室职员, 负责访问文档和数据以及音频(电话)和视频协作.

For all three of these use cases, 虽然, here are a few considerations to explore when comparing collaboration tools.

数据或视频? 或两个?

协作变得相当混乱的一个领域是对视频和数据的总体需求.g., screen sharing and document collaboration).

Does your team primarily need video or data collaboration? Or does it need the option to switch back and forth between both? 如果是这样,请谨慎选择在视频和数据协作中都灵活的工具. 此外,需要预先警告的是,并非所有以数据为中心的工具都具有强大的视频会议功能.


If you’ve worked around enterprise technology for any period of time, 您知道,一些管理人员所使用的工具并不适合其他人. 仅对于屏幕共享或以演示为中心的工具,一些高管喜欢加入.在我看来,有些人更喜欢WebEx,还有一些人可能喜欢微软的SharePoint或Adobe的Connect. 选择可能是压倒性的, but an uniformed choice can spell disaster for a rollout with在企业中.

An example of this is found in an excellent article by Mark Kapko in 首席信息官 杂志称为 “Why 首席信息官s Can’t Sell Enterprise 协作 Tools.” 它探讨了首席信息官如何不仅在职能需求之间,而且在代际差异之间进行导航.

“Millennials are more comfortable with video and short messaging, and have embraced newer collaboration tools like Slack and HipChat,Kapko写道, summarizing a comment from Chris McKewon, who notes that “older execs are still trying to master WebEx and GoToMeeting, and unfortunately there’s no common ground.”

McKewon, founder and CEO of the managed services provider Xceptional Networks, adds that “首席信息官s must navigate and please the different age groups.”

换句话说, 不同的平台在工作方式和舒适度上的差异会导致不同的技术选择.



例如, 首席信息官的文章和牛仔裤网的研究都表明,年轻员工倾向于通过信息(包括视频信息)进行协作, 多亏了几个流行的应用程序——而不是实时协作. In the Blue Jeans underlying research, 虽然, there was even a difference between Gen X, Y一代, and Millennials when it comes to the use of real-time collaboration.

了解这种差异可能是向新一代员工推销商业视频协作概念的关键, since they’re already familiar with it for personal use.

“Y世代的劳动力, 谁希望实时协作和面对面视频成为基本的工作工具, has been weaned on a diet of instant messenger apps, cloud-based social platforms and iPad video calls,” the 牛仔裤网 study states, “43%的Y一代企业家被外部合作所吸引,因为它可以加速新产品和服务的开发。.”

集成设备vs. 独立视频应用

Because most laptops and smartphones come with cameras, 许多人认为,来自消费者领域的视频协作工具非常适合已经采用BYOD方法的企业环境.

然而,大量的低成本或免费视频协作选项似乎让人难以招数:面向iOS智能手机、平板电脑和Mac OS X电脑的FaceTime, Skype, 商务Skype, 微软的Lync, ooVoo, 推出, WhatsApp, 还有许多其他选项是内置的,或者只需花很少的钱就能买到.

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Online Video 协作 Tools: A Buyer's Guide

来自accorent的工具, Adobe, Brainshark, HP, Market7, Mixmoov, VUELIVE, and Watchitoo each offer a different take on online video collaboration