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你最喜欢的小事情是什么? 很多人会首先想到自己的手机. 有些人可能会想到你的结婚戒指. Maybe you’re thinking of that pocket multi-tool that you carry on your belt. 你知道的. 它有三个不同的叶片, 开罐器, 一根牙签, 四种不同的螺丝刀头, 还有一个微型丁烷炬.

有些小东西比其他的更有用. 一些智能电话, for instance—stand out for their utility; on the other hand, a wedding band stands out because it represents something much greater than its face value. Unlike wedding bands, smartphones have gotten progressively smaller over the decades. 曾经需要巨大的, permanently installed receivers and mountains of cable now fits into our palms and operates wirelessly. The same can be said of cameras, which are even integrated into our phones. As cameras have shrunk from goliath to Google Glass, the supporting equipment has followed suit.

The small cameras of today afford producers incredible freedom to obtain even the most difficult shots. Aerial and aquatic drones can take inexpensive action cameras to heights and depths previously reserved for expensive helicopter shots or daredevil camera operators. 相机不仅变得更小了,而且也变得更好了. Not very long ago, the size of a camera generally indicated what quality could be achieved with it. 最小的相机被降级为家庭度假视频. Medium-sized cameras were for budget filmmakers and small-town TV stations. The biggest units were for “serious” work: commercials and blockbuster Hollywood productions. 今天, 头发般细的传感器被塞进最小的身体里, it’s easy to get pro-quality imagery from gear that can literally fit in your pocket.

In order to embrace this tidal wave of compact professional devices, we decided to push the limits of micro gear and see what kind of production we could pull off. 但这不仅仅是齿轮性能的问题. 我们的目标是:进行直播, multi-camera shoot in a remote location with just a carry-on sized bag full of video equipment.


We started off contemplating whether or not we could reasonably replicate a streaming studio in our pockets, 但发现这对于专业制作来说太局限了. Setting a goal of fitting everything into the airline-recognized carry-on bag gave us a reasonable but still ambitious target. Although there was recent chatter about reducing the allowable carry-on bag size, 目前的标准要求使用9英寸x14英寸x22英寸的塑料袋. To meet our goal, we had to find the smallest gear in each category. We also had to determine what was a must-have for this type of shoot. 这是我们的想法.

1. 相机. 而单反相机通常可以完成这项工作, 当大小是一个问题, smaller action cameras such as GoPro Heroes and Blackmagic’s Micro Cinema Studio camera have the added advantage of more broadcast sensibilities.

2. 监控. 而大多数相机都有内置LCD显示屏, 拥有一个高质量的信心监测器是无价的保险.

3. 支持. 三脚, 滑块, 在今天的市场上,微型的坐骑比比皆是, 提供更多有趣和高质量的照片.

4. 光. Whether shooting a talking head or a presentation, a fill light does wonders for any image.

5. Audio. 一把猎枪, 繁荣, XLR电缆, 并不是每次拍摄都需要搅拌器, but you need more than the on-camera microphone to get quality sound.

6. 流媒体设备. We want the world to experience our event live, and we need to do it without rack-mounted gear.


First and foremost, we must have at least one camera for our shoot. 我们用的是Blackmagic Micro Studio 4K相机. 它不仅是这个领域最新的相机之一, 但它通过提供远程PTZ控制使自己与众不同, SDI和HDMI接口, 以及(顾名思义)高达4K分辨率的成像. 尽管这些照相机很小.25"x2.74"x2.57"), we easily fit two into our bag along with wide and tele lenses for different angles.

因为黑魔法相机没有内部录音功能, 我们包括一对黑魔法视频助攻. These all-in-one 监控 and 录音机 receive either HDMI or SDI from any source. 显示器的电源来自两节佳能LP-E6电池, and we can rely on its 1080p touchscreen for critical focus and color checking.

Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K and Blackmagic Video Assist monitor and recorder

Since the Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K doesn’t offer internal recording, we augment it with the Blackmagic Video Assist monitor and recorder. 

支持, we have a static camera mounted to a compact tripod such as the Manfrotto Be免费的, 哪个会降到15.7英寸高. Adding interest to our second angle is achieved with a compact autoslider such as the SliderPlus from Turkish manufacturer Edelkrone. 这个滑块可以被编程为平滑地来回“弹跳”, 给你一个无人驾驶的, 预编程的动态选择,以削减到您的拍摄.

Manfrotto Be免费的紧凑型三脚架

Manfrotto Be免费的紧凑型三脚架可折叠至15个.7英寸高.

现在我们有相机了, 监控, 录音机, 还有支持, 让我们看看用一些照明来改善我们的主题. 我们只能依靠Genaray公司的312 LED显示屏. The specs on this unit claim to provide us with 1400 lux at 3 feet. Having this on our stationary camera gives us adequate fill lighting for the shots from both cameras.

通用312 LED面板灯

Genaray 312 LED面板灯在3英尺处投射1400勒克斯, more than enough to give adequate fill lighting for multiple camera angles.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Streaming Road Warrior: Overcoming the Challenges of Portable Live Production

vMix reveals some of the tricks of the trade for live streaming on the road, as well as discussing some new 可移植的 production solutions to make the webcaster's job easier

回顾:vMix GO便携式现场生产解决方案

Our reviewer puts the vMix GO to the test and finds it an affordable, 可移植的, SDI-based live production and recording solution that uses the best software you've never heard of—although it does have a few rough edges.


This article highlights some of the latest gear for creating a 可移植的 streaming solution. Transport kit from one shoot to another and use it to deliver solid, 用于中小型事件的高质量流.


口袋大小的编码器可以提供H.264 or AAC video at up to 1080p 4Mbps, and lowers the price for mobile live streaming.


The technology barriers are almost gone, and mobile video is growing faster than desktop. 那么,移动视频传输何时才能实现盈利呢?


寻找实用的, 如何创建一个具有成本效益的实际建议, 可移植的, multi-camera streaming system that you can use even when on location with limited internet and power options? 在这里, Mobeon's Mark Alamares describes a range of solutions that can bring greater agility and portability to your live streaming kit at a manageable cost.
