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Options abound for combining multiple speakers in different locations into a single video. You can use Zoom or similar conferencing tools or desktop mixers like vMix and Wirecast. 或者你可以使用全remi, with local encoders sending streams back to a central location for producing in a broadcast mixer.

另外, you could send streams to the cloud and mix your presentation there using a service like easylive.io. 此模式提供比Zoom更好的A/V质量, 比全REMI便宜得多, 并且与桌面混合器相比具有多种优势, 包括更好的音质, 更低的成本, 生产站点的出站带宽需求低得多, and the ability to deliver your stream to more than 30 outlets simultaneously while also recording the program stream. 特别是, 如果您的目标是将多个流发送到不同的出口, 在云中混合是理想的.

This tutorial will walk you through setting up and producing a simple live event ith easylive.io.

郑重声明, 这项服务每月收费99美元, 加上每小时29美元的制作费, 我稍后会进一步定义. 让我们开始吧.


登录后, easylive.io opens into a calendar-like interface that shows previous and scheduled productions (see 图1,背景). 您可以通过单击未来日期和时间来安排事件, or you can start an event right away by clicking the current day and time. Either way, this opens the Create New live stream dialog shown in 图1. Note the ability to copy the layout from a prior presentation so you can duplicate configuration options from previous shows and easily maintain a consistent look for different episodes of the same show.

图1. 创建事件(单击查看大图)

一旦你创建了事件, easylive.io schedules it on services that support this feature (such as Facebook) and that are connected to your account and an output destination for the stream.


For each show, you set the parameters for the production, which currently maxes out at 1080p60. 然后, you set different output qualities so you can send different quality streams to different outlets. Next, you assign different publishing points to the output qualities (see 图2).

图2. Setting formats, qualities, and publishing points (click for larger image)


You select a publishing point by clicking Add or Edit Publishing Points (shown in 图2), 哪个打开显示的屏幕 图3. 在这里,您选择一个服务、登录并选择目的地. Or, 如果你要将流发送到实时消息协议, SRT, 或者类似的联系, you click that output and enter your credentials and stream 信息.

图3. 选择服务和目的地(点击查看大图)

在图3的左上角, you can see one of the service’s key strengths: the ability to support up to 30 outputs for each presentation. While few productions will actually need to support this many outputs, even three or four outputs at 5Mbps can strain the resources of many home or small-business internet connections. 自 easylive.io 从云端交付这些内容,出站带宽不是问题.


你精心准备你的演讲 easylive.io’s production interface, which has the three modes shown at the top of 图4. 在设置, 您可以添加内容和内容源, 但是你不能做现场演示, 所以你不能看到它来调试它. 在测试模式下, 所有内容都是实时的, 但你得按小时收费, 就像你在现场制作时做的那样. 请注意, easylive.io charges you by the minute, so 10 minutes of testing or broadcasting will cost you about $4.80美元,不是全部的29美元.

图4. 配置产品(单击查看大图)

You create the production on a blank layered canvas that looks and functions much like the interface in Wirecast. 与大多数分层界面一样, 系统从上到下显示, 首先添加基本内容, 然后是叠加, 例如徽标和标题. 你可以添加单独的内容片段,比如视频, 静态图像, 和文本, or you can use templates to combine different content types into scenes.

在图4中, you can see multiple videos and templates on the bottom row and a title and logo above it. 制作过程中, you can switch between the scenes by clicking them or using a hotkey, 你可以通过点击最左边的空白来清空这个图层, 再一次。, 就像Wirecast一样.

Click the plus sign on each layer to add content and open the window shown in 图5,所有输入类型显示在左侧. 这些包括直播视频, 上传到系统中的基于磁盘的视频, 图片, 文本, 网页, 社交媒体图标, 应用程序(事件评分和计时器), and a media bin that contains content you’ve configured into previous productions. If a presenter is connecting from the same computer that’s running the presentation, 它们可以通过捕获卡或网络摄像头接口直接连接. 所有的远程客户都通过WebRTC连接,这就强加了一个2.输入视频的带宽限制为5Mbps.

图5. All of the production inputs are on the left; choosing and configuring a two-shot template are on the right and in the middle. (点击查看大图)

开始, 我邀请了我自己和我的另一位演讲者, 埃莉诺, 通过程序中的邀请函数来制作, 哪一个可以通过文本或电子邮件发送邀请. 客人会收到一个可以在浏览器中打开的链接, 选择他们的音频/视频设备, 并参与活动. 作为制作人, 我可以配置远程客户机看到和听到的内容, which typically will be the program feed and their own camera input (skip ahead to 图7). 请注意, the system does not provide any Proc-Amp-type controls for the incoming video, 所以如果你想调整入射亮度或对比度, 你得在客人结束的时候告诉他们怎么做. 当您阅读本教程时,这可能会发生变化, 因为这一功能在该公司2022年的路线图上.

在图5中, 我选择一个简单的并排显示模板(第二行, on the right) for the video participants in the production: 埃莉诺 and me. 使用左边的输入选择器, 我把我的视频调到窗口1,埃莉诺调到窗口2. This is the two-shot I’ll use for the initial discussions and meet and greet. 然后, I’ll transition to a different template to discuss the presentation. This template also contains a PowerPoint screen capture that can be from either speaker, 加上左边的视频窗口. 所有的生产元素都是可配置的, 如果你不喜欢这些颜色, 你可以改变它们.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Deloitte's Melissa Dale and NewTek's Chris Burgos discussed how the pivot to remote turned home offices to enterprise streaming video production studios and the longterm impact of that change in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.


暴雪公司董事, 现场操作, Global Broadcast Corey Smith discusses some of the roadblocks Blizzard has encountered when using NDI in cloud and remote 工作流 for gaming and esports in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2021.


Gigcasters' Casey Charvet discusses how Gigcasters and the agencies they work with have embraced remote production and virtual and hybrid events--first out of necessity with the challenges of the pandemic, 然后认识到他们提供的新的可能性和机会.


It's been eighteen months since most streaming pros began pivoting to remote production, and the challenges producers face have evolved along with changes in working conditions, 工作流, 客户期望. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2021, 远程生产专家讨论了当前的技术状态.


Blizzard Entertainment's Corey Smith discusses the shift toward full cloud remote (REMI) production in large-scale event streaming in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.