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How 一次,公司. Uses Data to Deliver Better Content, Stronger ROI


Jen Wong,首席运营官兼digital总裁 一次,公司.与…交谈 流媒体 about how video content production and advertising reach is being driven by the data the company captures across its 100 media brands.

Q: From your roots as a subscription print magazine company to acquiring ad-tech company Viant, 数据采集对你来说意味着什么?

Data is really important to our marketer clients and partners. They are trying to optimize their ROI in both content and advertising. Data is critical for them to understand 1) how good was their marketing, 2)什么是有效的,我如何做得更好, and 3) because we are a big direct-to-consumer company today we primarily use that marketing engine to sell magazines. Data is an integral part to the growth of that business as we take that marketing engine and apply it to products and services beyond print magazines. It’s an underlying platform across everything that we do.


有“富人”和“穷人”之分.”... 我们的信念是决定性的, people-based data (where your activity is tracked across device, 所以当你在电脑上登录《百家乐app下载》杂志时, 平板电脑, 电话, 等., 您的活动被捕获), 你在哪知道珍·王的邮箱, her device graph (or a record of her activity across all the devices she is on), 比基于cookie的数据更有价值.

我们是“拥有”的原因有很多. 我们有3000万活跃用户, 把卡片放在文件里, even more when you have our full historical subscriber list. 加上Viant,我们有2.5亿的id. Put those together and we are one of the most data-rich media companies.

Then you have TV companies who have been wholesalers where you ride on other people’s network and they have never had to have a conversation with a consumer. Never had a credit card, never had to know who their end viewer was in great detail. Certainly never had to know them at the “Jen Wong email” level. I think in a world where the internet is forcing media businesses and directing media businesses to become more direct to consumer, 这些数据正变得越来越有价值.

Q: How is leveraging a data feedback loop making your company more agile?

What we’re doing as a company is becoming very metrics-driven. 在某些情况下,这是一种文化变化. ... We’ve radically changed how we produce our core product, because our editors are deep in the data. They know exactly how their content performed every minute of every day. It’s fun to watch editors get competitive and be focused on it. ... 在很短的时间内, Viant overnight can look at point-of-sale data to see what happen[ed] as a result of the campaign. 它支撑着我们所做的一切. It’s changing how we work as a company and allowing us to adjust everything we do at a much faster rate.


I can get down to the actual second-by-second view of how somebody is watching my video and know that as soon as I flash this piece of text on screen, 它峰值. 这个词显然是我的用户喜欢的. That kind of granularity and immediacy is surprising even to our creative teams. I think unlocking that has provided pleasant surprises in what kind of tools they can use to help drive [the] audience.


We look at views [and] view depth—minutes spent in a video, how far do they go—[and] we are looking at overall completion rates. We are looking very carefully at where they are watching video. We are also looking at [how] video by video, you can actually see things like when is the falloff. ... 我们做了相当多的直播, and in live you’re looking at concurrent views and you can see when you make a change in your programming what exactly happens, 漂亮的立即. We are not only watching the overall numbers, but at an individual asset level also.


I think it’s a bigger problem abroad than in the U.S. 我们研究了所有的市场解决方案. 我觉得这是打地鼠游戏, 因为如果有人执意要这么做, 他们会继续这样做. 幸运的是,它并没有加速. Ultimately if we had to, we would just serve [ads] ourselves. 如果有一天它成为了一个全球性的问题, we are prepared from a technology perspective to cover it ourselves and serve directly. Right now my level of concern for it is not super high.

Q: Is video data capture standardized across properties?

许多捕捉都围绕着玩家, 相对于页面, so we have moved to one global player across our network that sits on all of our sites. 而且它是联合发行的,所以我们有一个中心视角.

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