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HTML5 Is Taking Over the Web, Right? 没那么快……


Virtually all the sites had some content missing from the iPad, such as videos in the homepage banners, 影响了可口可乐, 费列罗巧克力, 和 迪斯尼乐园 (No. 14). Coke 和 费列罗巧克力 showed error messages like 图5, 而迪士尼乐园只显示静态图像而不是视频. 如果你深入挖掘大多数网站,你会发现有些视频无法在iPad上播放。图5).


图5. Coke's homepage requires the Flash Player on the iPad.

超越内容缺失, 许多网站的关键功能都是用Flash提供的,而这些功能在iPad上是不可用的. 可悲的是, this included Victoria Secret's All Access page, 它的高清视频中,穿着暴露的模特通常占据了维多利亚秘密的第28位.在YouTube上观看了500万次(是的,你可以在iPad上从YouTube上观看).

Other notable exclusions included 巴宝莉的 战壕的艺术, 巴宝莉的顾客可以上传自己穿着风衣的静态照片,这是一个很受欢迎的功能, with comprehensive sharing 和 social media support (图6). 当你点击网站, 你首先会看到一个巨大的旋转缩略图墙,你可以挑选和选择查看, while listening to your choice of eight different songs.


图6. 巴宝莉的 战壕的艺术

1,图中有423个赞, this feature is obviously very successful, 你可以看到潜在客户在做出购买决定时,如何想象他们在墙上的样子. 不幸的是,从iPad上访问这个页面会显示一个flash需要的错误信息.

Other functions you can't access from the iPad include Dr. Pepper's take a picture with Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas, which requires a webcam that HTML5 doesn't yet support. 你也不能使用基于flash的工具设计自己的品客薯片,或者在Xbox网站上观看Silverlight游戏预览.

On-Site Video Configuration

现在让我们把注意力转向公司使用的视频配置,这些公司对自己的文件进行编码,以便在其网站上发布, in addition to or instead of video supplied by YouTube. 这显示在 表1. 为了编制这些数字, 我在每个网站上寻找最大分辨率的视频文件. 该表显示了从最小的视频配置到最大的视频配置.


表1. Video configuration used by our top 20

A couple of observations: With a bits per pixel of .305 和 still using the legacy VP6 codec, Coke sure doesn't have the winning formula for video encoding. 得到it-formula? 对不起,我不得不说出来.

除了可口可乐,我们大多数精通社交媒体的人都转向了H.264, with only three of 13 using Flash still on VP6. The bits-per-pixel values were all over the map; my rule of thumb is that any value greater than .2几乎肯定是一种浪费,除了几个例外,这个小组证明了这一点.

正如您所看到的,立体声音频在单声道音频中占主导地位,RTMP上的渐进式下载也是如此. 也就是说,似乎每个使用流媒体服务器的公司都使用RTMP,而不是HTTP. 虽然很难说, 这些公司似乎都没有提供自适应流媒体服务.

Video-Related Interaction 和 Social Media

接下来,我想衡量与视频相关的社交媒体支持程度. This included three different categories: using the content, interacting with the content, 传播这个词. You can see the results in all three categories in 表2.


表2. Video-related interaction 和 social media

如你所见, the ability to link 和 embed the content was limited, as was the ability to interact with the content, with no sites allowing ratings 和 only four allowing comments. 很明显, interaction isn't universally desired; I can definitely see why Coke wouldn't want ratings or comments of a CEO address.

另一方面, 查看产品相关视频, it's hard to underst和 where comments would not be desirable, particularly if comments are enabled on YouTube anyway. Comments seem to go right to the heart of interactivity, 以及它们在哪里被启用, they were typically heavily used, 如图6所示, 对巴宝莉, 和 图7红牛显然是互动和视频相关社交媒体营销的领导者.


图7. 红牛网站显然是互动和视频相关社交媒体营销的领导者.

我并不是说所有的公司都应该采用这种激进的方法, but if video is central to your product marketing, I'm not sure why you wouldn't. 我猜你可能会说,如果你只使用YouTube就能获得同样的效果,那么这笔费用就不值得了. 但我认为你应该围绕自己的网站建立社区意识和品牌意识, 而不是 www.youtube.com.

In the spread-the-word category, it seems pretty obvious that if you have videos on your website, 你应该让你的观众很容易通过电子邮件让他们的朋友和熟人知道(8 / 20), Facebook (12 / 20), Twitter (10 / 20), or some other social media site (5 of 20). 对于那些认为社交媒体营销是占据前20名的B2C公司的专属领域的人来说, 我将介绍 图8, a video from consulting firm 埃森哲咨询公司.


图8. Video from consulting company 埃森哲咨询公司 和 its email 和 social media links

如你所见, this marketing-savvy firm includes email 和 social media links, as well as the ability to save the video 和 print the transcript. 基本上, 无论你是B2C还是B2B, 至少, if you have video on your website, 你应该让你的观众很容易为你宣传视频.


YouTube usage among our top 20 was nearly ubiquitous, with 19 of 20 sites having their own YouTube channels. 视频上传的平均数量为281个,平均频道浏览量为2100万次. 不足为奇的是, the clear leader in YouTube views as 红牛, 1.96亿, with Nike second at 90 million (图9).


图9. 耐克足球's highly active YouTube channel

再一次,对于那些认为YouTube是B2C现象的人,我注意到会计公司 德勤接触东松 拥有自己的YouTube频道,有52个视频和142,085个频道观看量. These aren't shockingly large numbers, but the channel is used heavily in recruiting, YouTube在公司想要招聘的20岁出头的人群中拥有大量用户.

If you're going to use YouTube, don't be afraid to go big. Ten of the 20 companies that I analyzed uploaded at 1080p, while seven were at 720p 和 the remaining two at 480p.


Despite all of the nonsupported chatter about Flash being dead, near as I can tell it doesn't even have the sniffles. 我不能说它会永远存在,但就在我们说话的时候,它似乎正在茁壮成长. 很明显, 它带来的沉浸感和用户参与度远远超过我们在iPad上看到的HTML5.

对于那些宣称HTTP流优于RTMP的人来说,结果是一样的. 我知道所有的技术上的争论,但在日常的,现实世界的使用? Not in our top 20, that's for sure.

对于iPad,支持简单视频播放的最简单方法是通过YouTube. Despite the massive hype about the device, if Starbucks displays a Flash error message on its home page, 很难说小网站不能采用同样的策略. 除了, 在你提供支持之前,不要觉得你的支持必须是完美的, 因为我访问的所有网站都无法在iPad上提供与我在电脑上测试时完全相同的体验, 虽然有两个人非常接近.

Whether you're producing for your own site or for YouTube, 大屏幕视频开始流行, so don't be afraid to be bold in this regard, particularly 查看产品相关视频. If you're going to use video, try to make it interactive via comments 和 ratings, 和 don't forget to make it easy to spread the word. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Many 首页grown HTML5 Solutions Are Already Broken


Android和. iOS: A Video 和 Flash Comparison

Android上的移动视频观看体验应该比iOS更好? We see how it measures up on a Toshiba Thrive tablet.


After a "painful" development process, 一个网络领先的视频网络打开了HTML5视频播放器的开关.

The Future of Flash a Hot Topic at HTML5 Video Summit, SMW



行业惊喜, Adobe在移动设备的Flash Player网络浏览器插件上认输了. 请阅读1月时的评论,了解这对Web开发的未来意味着什么.

Enough 关于 HTML5 Video Already!

HTML5 video appeals to "tree-hugging, s和al-wearing st和ards lovers,简·奥兹说, 和 he's sick of hearing about it.