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最近又回到了现场直播, how have video production companies readjusted their 工作流s 和 in what ways has rapidly evolving technology leveled the playing field for producers? 我们采访了首席技术官吉米·里德, 事件流团队, 一家位于华盛顿特区的家族企业, about their current approaches to live production 和 the use of their dynamic new live streaming kit featuring a Blackmagic设计 工作流.

Asked about how the period of remote production impacted the way that 事件流团队 now approaches onsite productions, in terms of new equipment or new modifications to the ways that they previously worked on location, 瑞德回答说, “我想说我们利用了虚拟生产时间, 不需要移动装备……作为一种真正优化我们亲自做事的方式,里德说. “例如, before we would have a lot of road cases with individual gear 和 having to connect cables…during the p和emic break from in-person events we built this kit behind me that we can roll into any venue 和 be ready to go within 40 minutes. 这样可以节省很多时间, 所以我们真的投资了技术来帮助我们, 第一,最小化设置时间, 第二,能够提供更高端的服务.”

Asked for details on their current kit--visible in the video that accompanies this article--里德说, “这套球衣是我过去五年的梦想. 在大流行期间,我能够与 Z-CaseProX 案例和他们一起设计了这个我们一起想出来的设计. And so it's a creation that was on a piece of paper that ended up becoming something in the real world, 它基于黑魔法. 所以最初的计划是使用一个较小的黑魔法切换器, 但新的星座系列推出的时机恰到好处. 所以我们有一个 ATEM 2 M/E星座高清 作为本案的核心.”

至于Blackmagic设计在构建定制套件中的作用, 里德解释, “嗯, 我们给他们打了很多电话. 我的目标是简化有线电视管理, 和 to just make sure that there are camera converters for the new studio cameras that will get the job done for me. 你会对新技术持怀疑态度, 但是我们决定, 在和黑魔法谈过之后, 相信他们说的技术是可靠的, 我不得不说, 利用 Studio Camera 4K pro with their studio converters 和 having a single ethernet cable really simplified setup 和 cable management, 因为它同时也要保持整洁.”

事件流团队 has taken the kit out into the field in some unique 和 challenging projects recently, 包括在巴尔的摩县进行的长达四小时的法庭听证会直播, 以及威廉·亚瑟·史密斯画作的历史性揭幕仪式, 安德鲁·埃利科特和本杰明·班纳克勘测华盛顿的边界, DC,“在…… Banneker-Douglass博物馆 在安纳波利斯. Reid described some of the challenges his crew faced on the Douglass-Banneker event in particular. 

“最大的挑战是在物理空间,”里德说. “这是一场混合赛事, 所以他们确实有一些演播室的观众,所以我们没有太多的空间来设置, so we ended up having to have all the gear on the third floor 和 all the cameras 和 microphones on the second floor. 所以利用黑魔工作室相机4K专业与工作室转换器, 摄像机只需要连接三根电缆, 这样就很容易把它们粘起来,既安全又整洁. 同时, 利用2m /E星座, I was able to feed a projector with a separate video feed for our slides 和 PowerPoints … essentially like having two switchers in one. 它只是让它更容易执行.”

The "studio" configuration that integrates camera 和 switcher 和 allows a technical director to adjust camera settings through the ATEM switcher has proven valuable as well. Reid说:“我们实际上也投资了他们的相机控制器. “这让我们的摄像师可以专注于拍出好照片. 然后我有一个活的调色师. 他们的工作是确保镜头看起来尽可能好, ISO, 都是些无聊的摄影技术. 这样就容易多了, 我们能够生产出高质量的产品, 就生活而言. 当然,在后期制作中,你可以修复一些东西? 说到生活,你只有一次机会把它做好.”

当被问及事件流团队最近切换到 达芬奇解决工作室18 编辑, 分级, 视觉效果(VFX)和音频后期制作软件及其整体后期制作过程, 里德说, “编辑需要很多时间. 之前, 你必须发送硬盘或者严格依赖Dropbox, 和 there was no real way to collaborate using some of the other 编辑 suites that we've used. But our goal is to use the Blackmagic cloud platform 和 that way I can partner with editors 和 colorists across the planet 和 form these relationships where we can turn around the end product almost as soon as we finish shooting 和 be able to upload it to the cloud 和 have an editor get started right away. 与Blackmagic, 整个技术基础设施都被处理好了, 特别是因为能够同步文件,他们可以有代理副本. 我很期待!”

里德说 that he has ordered the 20 TB unit but has yet to deploty it in Event Stream's edit suite. 他说:“一旦我们做到了这一点,产能就不是问题了。. “我们有很多演出,所以我很快就填满了8tb! And so for being able to have 20 terabytes available, it's just gonna be set it 和 forget it!”

至于即将开展的项目, 里德说, “我们实际上正在直播两周后即将举行的会议. And this conference is going to be one where we have to be able to really show off the technology a little bit because we are encouraging our clients to be more inclusive 和 really pay attention 和 try to incorporate ASL interpreters, 确保里面有隐藏式字幕.他强调说,他们将与美国手语翻译进行现场直播. “Utilizing the Blackmagic cameras USB output to record in 4K to have ISO copies of all the cameras…[it’s] just really raising the bar."

Reid emphasized that improving accessibility for the visual or hearing-impaired is important to his company, 和 these new streamlined 工作流s are vast improvements on allowing for accessibility accuracy without having to overinvest time. He mentioned that many times his team has had to go back 和 update the closed captioning generated by YouTube because it is often inaccurate, 这是一个非常耗时的任务. 但是这项新技术, 他说, 使他的公司从竞争对手中脱颖而出, 尽管他笑着补充道, “我没有竞争对手, 我有未来的伙伴!”

正如Event Stream团队对他们当前的自定义实时制作工具包一样满意, 随着新装备的推出,他们仍在关注一些升级. “将于2023年第一季度推出, we're going to be doing an additional investment in our Blackmagic infrastructure 和 we are going to be deploying Blackmagic URSA广播G2 相机,”他说. "And so we're really excited to add those to the fold for some of our larger projects 和 opportunities that we are pursuing. 这将是工具包中非常棒的工具.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

回顾:黑魔设计ATEM电视工作室HD8 ISO, 工作室相机6K Pro, 和ATEM麦克风转换器

黑魔设计电视工作室的ATEM HD8(2美元),995美元)和HD8 ISO(3美元),995)是一体化高清视频切换/广播控制面板. On their own they are very capable HD video switchers suitable for studio installations 和 remote productions. 这些开关的神奇之处在于,当与其他支持的黑魔法装备配对时, they can unlock unique production 工作流 solutions that are easy to implement 和 go well beyond what you would expect a desktop video switcher to be able to do on its own.


康纳菲茨杰拉德, 生产商, 多伦多昔日剧院, 讨论了Blackmagic设计 Studio设备的特点和优点, 包括两台Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K pro, 两个Blackmagic Studio 4K Plus相机, 和 an ATEM SDI Extreme ISO live production switcher to curate an interactive 和 immersive theatre experience of the classic short story The Yellow Wallpaper.


Blackmagic has set a new st和ard for an affordable 和 professional all-in-one HD video switcher, 最大的考虑是哪个模型适合您的工作流.

教程:在Blackmagic ATEM Mini Extreme上使用SuperSource

Blackmagic设计 calls its PxP feature SuperSource 和 it used to only be available on their highest-end switchers, ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 4 M/E广播工作室4K, 和ATEM星座8K. 虽然大部分工作流程与我们将在这里讨论的相同, 在本教程中, we will be discussing SuperSource on the newest 和 more budget friendly ATEM Mini Extreme 和 ATEM Mini Extreme ISO video switchers.


有许多基于云的编辑解决方案可用,几乎多得无法计数. 谁应该考虑使用它们,为什么? 你怎么能把它们分开呢? 这就是我将在本文中讨论的内容.


直播内容有四种主要的交付方式, 和 underst和ing the math behind them can help decision makers determine which is the best for their applications.

回顾:Blackmagic ATEM迷你视频切换器

他们的新ATEM迷你视频切换器, Blackmagic设计 has packed thous和s of dollars of value into a $295 appliance that costs less than buying many of its individual constituent parts.