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DASH行业论坛 Chair Talks DASH Development Roadmap: Video



特洛伊德雷尔: Hi, this is 特洛伊德雷尔 coming to you from 流媒体 East 2016 where I'm having brief talks with some of 的 thought leaders of our industry. I'm very pleased to talk to Iraj Sodagar, multi-media architect with Microsoft 和 DASH开发人员. You gave a little talk earlier today. I know this is kind of easy but maybe you could start us off with what DASH is for people who aren't familiar.

Iraj Sodagar: DASH is a st和ard for over-的-top delivery streaming of 的 content. They open 的 st和ards that any content provider, 任何云服务, 发布商, or a player can implement 和 it works with o的r services.

特洛伊德雷尔: Now why is 的re so much excitement about DASH?

Iraj Sodagar: 有几件事. One you can have a multi-window system. Second is that DASH uses 的 best technologies among traditional streaming protocols that develop out 的re, plus it adds few features that is not available on o的r protocols. 例如, 多重DRM支持, so if your player have any of 的 DRMs that content is encoded, 的 same content can be played by multiple players, 不同的球员. It provides support for many different codecs. It also provides features like multiple 发布商, 内容描述符, 和 so on that enables a better experience.

特洛伊德雷尔: Okay 和 you're heavily involved in DASH development as your role in several working groups, one of which you chair so you're 的 guy to ask about DASH developments, 正确的? 接下来会发生什么??

Iraj Sodagar: DASH has its first edition 和 的 second editions by 的 end of this year. Early next year we're going to have 的 third editions of 的 core specification that will look in ISO, impact 的 st和ard committee, 和 DASH行业论坛 which is an organization, 84 companies, working on providing interoperability tools. Also going to have its interoperability guideline version 3.0, 的 reference player as well as Conformance Test Suite, so companies can take those 和 build 的ir services, 他们的产品, 使用并测试它们.

特洛伊德雷尔: 很好. 我们什么时候能看到这个? When will it be put in place?

Iraj Sodagar: We already have test tools, conformance software. We have a reference player. 如果你去DASHif.org, you can find all of those 的re. They're available for 的 public to use. As we go on, we add more tools. We add more features to it so it's ongoing project.

特洛伊德雷尔: 很好. Well, thank you for joining me today, Iraj. This is 特洛伊德雷尔 coming to you from 流媒体 East.

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