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Just as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade heralds the start of the holiday shopping season, 即将在坦帕举行的共和党全国代表大会, 佛罗里达, 8月27日至30日)和民主党全国代表大会(在夏洛特), 北卡罗莱纳, 9月4日至6日,将标志着2012年美国世界杯最后一站的开赛.S. 总统竞选. 这就是为什么各大电视台都出动了, 从每一个可以想象的角度涵盖这两个公约.

尽管电视仍然是会议报道的王者,但像 美国有线电视新闻网, 美国全国广播公司, 美国公共电视台 会提供大量的在线报道吗. 事实上, all three are devoting substantial resources to telling both conventions' kingmaker stories through streaming media, 社交媒体, 移动应用程序.


从2012年的全国代表大会开始, 美国有线电视新闻网数字频道决定扩大其政治新闻报道的范围.

"No longer will we just be big red 美国有线电视新闻网 pushing out content to the faceless masses,梅雷迪思·阿特利说, 美国有线电视新闻网数字副总裁兼总经理. “相反,我们将以个人为基础与观众互动. 事实上, the Republican and Democratic Conventions will launch the most socially 互动 coverage we've ever done."          

美国有线电视新闻网 Digital's approach is based on the network's eight-month-old "Up Strategy." Artley describes it as being "an internal manifesto that positions us neither to the left or right, 或者软绵绵地躺在中间. 而不是, we are going to use this election as an opportunity to do really smart and engaging coverage."

为此目的, 美国有线电视新闻网将以专题博客作为其主要广播报道的补充, 包括一篇关于宗教和政治的文章 信仰的博客. It will open 美国有线电视新闻网 Grills -- combined restaurants and live TV studios -- for delegates to flock to in Tampa and Charlotte. The network is also sending six of its civilian iReporters to the conventions to give their views of what's happening, 将他们的内容添加到美国有线电视新闻网的整体报道中. 美国有线电视新闻网 Digital has even commissioned artists from around the world to create works based on the theme of power, 它会在美国有线电视新闻网展出吗.com.

至于流媒体:从惯例开始, 美国有线电视新闻网 will provide subscriber-based TV everywhere video and a range of free live raw streams at www.美国有线电视新闻网.com/live.

“我们在‘电视无处不在’的防火墙后面有美国有线电视新闻网和HLN的直播, 这需要你用你的有线/卫星电视用户数据来登录,亚历克斯·韦伦说, 美国有线电视新闻网视频产品和业务副总裁. "Our plan is bring everything together is to provide a single destination for viewers. My goal is to deliver live signals that are easy to get to, that look pristine."

美国有线电视新闻网还与脸谱网合作,试图主导第二屏幕. 根据协议, 脸谱网 will host an I'm Voting app to let 脸谱网 users publicly state their votes and preferred candidates and issues -- with the data to be displayed online in real-time. 脸谱网 will also track and report the amount of subscriber buzz about the major presidential and vice presidential candidates, 并将与美国有线电视新闻网一起就各种问题对选民进行调查.

"We are also going to be releasing upgraded and expanded versions of our iPhone/iPad apps to coincide with the conventions,阿特利说。. “我们重新设计了它们,以改善导航和可用性, added new features like an Electoral Map Calculator to let you track who stands where in the 总统竞选."

集体, these online and mobile efforts signify 美国有线电视新闻网's move away from being a traditional news reporting network.

梅雷迪思•阿特利表示:“如今,我们的业务远不止于此. 观众将在共和党和民主党的全国代表大会上看到这一点, 我们现在是一个多媒体, 互动, 和社会新闻来源,可以到达你的任何平台,你喜欢."


“很明显,社交媒体现在在美国扮演着多么重要的角色.S. political process," declares Ryan Osborn, 美国全国广播公司 新闻' senior director of 社交媒体. "This is a truth that we, as a news organization, are now embracing through our site 美国全国广播公司Politics.com. 这是我们的新品牌,它将成为我们所有广播的中心, 在线流媒体, 以及社交媒体内容."

共和党和民主党的全国代表大会将给nbc政治.com a chance to show off its stuff -- including a new 美国全国广播公司 Politics app for iPhone and iPad.

通过我们的网站, we will be posting live streaming video links and 推特 accounts for all of our major reporters, 锚, 和贡献者,奥斯本说。. "And we will be extending content through every major form of 社交媒体 that's out there; including 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, 和Google +."

在大会报道中,美国全国广播百家乐软件将把政治内容放在首位. 这意味着故事将是最重要的, the way it is crafted and delivered -- although tempered by the platform used -- will be focused on what best serves the viewer. 在某些情况下, this will be by posting live streaming video of unexpected or extraordinary events, 以及重要的演讲和集会. 在其他, 它可能意味着推特上的突发新闻, 在脸谱网上发布民意调查, 或者在Instagram上分享会议现场的照片.

网络的 第一次阅读博客 会对电视台的大会报道起到关键作用吗. This is the place where 美国全国广播公司 新闻 reporters and pundits post their first impressions of events as soon as they occur. 在互联网时代,First Read是一个及时的工具.

“我们的目标是把美国全国广播百家乐软件变成一个身临其境的, 会议期间政治新闻的多媒体目的地, 接下来是大选,奥斯本说。. "This means that our unified brand must be available across all of our platforms, be designed to encourage our viewers to move from one to another while staying with us."

值得注意的是,美国全国广播百家乐软件将雇用 质量相关的 社交媒体 analysis software to filter viewer emails and 社交媒体 postings, so that the best and most appropriate of them can be responded to online and/or on air.

Mass Relevance会过滤掉含有脏话和威胁的信息, 并将最好的信息迅速传递给我们的人民,奥斯本说。. “这使我们能够在不被信息淹没的情况下对他们做出回应. That's important to our positioning as an 互动, 社交媒体-oriented broadcaster."



“在英国石油公司(BP)漏油事件期间,我们就像被砰地一声扔进了这个行业,特拉维斯·道布说, 美国公共电视台新闻一小时的创意总监. “我们正在获取英国石油公司的实时视频流, 在Windows Media中, 并将其转换成Flash并发布在我们的网站上. The traffic was unbelievable: We got two million unique views on one day alone."

Today, 美国公共电视台 新闻Hour regularly provides a range of on-demand video and audio streams (via its partner UStream) on www.美国公共电视台.org/newshour. 这些视频得到了节目的支持 脸谱网页面 和推特账号(@新闻Hour). 这与美国公共电视台作为网络媒体的早期采用者的历史是一致的, 并且是将其添加到电视广播中的先驱.

关于即将举行的共和党和民主党全国代表大会, 美国公共电视台 新闻Hour has big streaming media plans: "We are going to be offering six different video streams,道布说。. 其中两家将提供节目内容, 而其他四个将用于视频直播, 楼层观景, 或者让他了解一下我们的新闻运作. We may even offer feeds from reporters wearing GoPro HD wireless cameras on their heads, 在会场里闲逛看看他们能看到什么."

That's not all: 美国公共电视台 新闻Hour's live streams will also feature regular people stepping in front of the camera to give their views, 大会现场记者准备的独家录音包, 以及突发的新闻事件.

“我们的一些视频记者将拍摄幕后视频, 给我们的观众一张进入会场的通行证,克里斯蒂娜·贝兰托尼说, 美国公共电视台新闻一小时的政治编辑.

在共和党和民主党全国代表大会关闭的几个小时里, at least one of the streams will carry a series of previously aired pieces on the current political campaign. 它们将按时间顺序播出, with prerecorded bumpers by 美国公共电视台 新闻Hour's Bellatoni and digital correspondent Hari Sreenivasan.

"We are also recording segments with our political analysts David Brooks and Mark Shields, answering questions such as ‘what were your favorite convention moments and why,’”贝兰托尼告诉流媒体.                                                  

总的来说, 美国公共电视台 新闻Hour's online presence will be massive during the Republican and Democratic conventions. 难怪:“政治大会对我们来说真的很重要, 在2008年的大会期间,有2000万人收听了我们的报道,贝兰托尼说. "2012 could be even bigger for us, especially with our diverse streaming video feeds."

选举的图形 通过在上面.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

在4000万美元的投资下,Great Big Story瞄准了OTT和Skinny Bundles

美国有线电视新闻网再次资助《百家乐软件》, this time as it expands into a 24-7 digital network streaming through OTT and skinny bundle services.


《百家乐软件》创造了简短的好奇心, 然后在各种平台上分发给年轻的成年观众.


Advances in the live video workflow have opened the doors to IP acquisition and routing, 让我们走向99.9999%可靠的直播