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Adobe 创造性的云:这不是Dropbox


[编者注:本文发表后, Adobe clarified its position on Edge's availability after the May 11 launch date for Adobe 创造性的云, stating "Users are currently able to get Edge Public Preview for free on Adobe Labs. Adobe will detail purchase and/or subscription options when Edge 1.0将于今年晚些时候发布."]

昨天的 公告 关于推出 Adobe的Creative Suite 6 (CS6) 创造性的云 得到了全球评论界的广泛关注. Yet during a post-launch question and answer session at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, Adobe executives admitted that not everyone will find the 创造性的云 offering appealing.

“我们仍然认为我们的永久授权有很大的市场,David Wadhwani说, Adobe数字媒体高级副总裁, referring to the boxed sets of products that consumers and businesses alike buy for prices ranging from $899 to $2499.

“我们觉得有创意的专业人士, 在接下来的几年里, will migrate to the 创造性的云 for a number of reasons,他接着说.

A few of the points that Wadhwani and Adobe CEO, Shantanu Narayen made during the Q&会议可能会进一步揭示Adobe的计划.


Those who sign up for 创造性的云 will receive a more relaxed end user licensing agreement (EULA) that allows the individual cloud subscriber to load Creative Suite applications on up to two computers, 无论是Macintosh还是Windows电脑.

“我们发现客户需要灵活性,瓦德瓦尼说, noting that some customers have a Windows desktop and a Mac laptop. "Our previous EULA only allowed for installation on two computers with the same operating system, so we think the expanded licensing will help our customers."

While there are numerous programs—somewhere north of 30 applications are included in 创造性的云—the EULA will not allow the "lesser" applications like Adobe边缘 加载到其他机器上. 换句话说, loading any 创造性的云 application on any device uses one of the two available licenses, a point that may be frustrating to those freelancers who have multiple machines dedicated to specific tasks such as print work, 网络开发,甚至视频制作.


One of the oddities of the 创造性的云 public launch was a video that showed features that would be offered at a later date to 创造性的云 subscribers.

在发布会上展示它似乎有点奇怪, almost a tease to those who might be considering purchasing the perpetual license, or who were hesitant to buy into the 创造性的云 concept.

"We're just at the beginning of the flexibility we will offer 创造性的云 subscribers,首席执行官纳拉延说. "We will continue to add value going forward, including new applications."


我们已经 覆盖 Adobe边缘 during the preview phase, with Adobe pushing out updates on a monthly basis. 我们很惊讶, 然而, to find out yesterday that Edge will only be available in 创造性的云 and will not be available for separate purchase. The same is true of another application we've 覆盖: Adobe Story.

When asked about this Wadhwani noted that Adobe can do faster iterations of non-point products for inclusion in 创造性的云.

胡萝卜加大棒的方法, where some applications are held back from perpetual licensing as a way to force users into the 创造性的云, 可能会适得其反. Edge has a compelling value proposition to someone who might already have a Creative Suite perpetual license, 但谁不想付49美元呢.每月99美元(甚至29美元).99 per month introductory price for the next year) just for access to Adobe边缘.

另外, Some products that have been point products are now slated to be moved to the 创造性的云. 例如, the inclusion of Adobe Lightroom 4 was mentioned in the "what's coming" video as a later addition to 创造性的云. As such it will be interesting to see what happens in the near term to sales of the Lightroom point product.


启动会议, Adobe's Jeff Veen took significant time to explain what Adobe's 20GB of online storage could do for 创造性的云 subscribers.

“当Adobe文件被放入Adobe的创造性的云时,维恩说。, 谁是Adobe的高级产品总监, “我们可以用这个文件做很多事情, 包括渲染预览, allowing basic manipulation of layers in programs and even generate metadata."

最后一块, 从视频或项目文件生成元数据, 可能对流媒体视频世界特别有用. 除了, the ability to view these rendered previews on any device—including Apple's iPad and iPhone devices—will allow for mobile access to content.

不太确定的是什么, 虽然, is whether video content can be streamed from the 创造性的云, so we will report again on additional details after general availability of both CS6 和 new 创造性的云.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Adobe Announces 创造性的云 Video Updates, Will Preview at IBC

定于10月中旬上映, the update will add over 150 features and abilities to Premiere Pro, 后的效果, 在任何地方, 和更多的.

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Premiere Pro, 后的效果, 和更多的 are getting an upgrade; Adobe shows new features just in time for the NAB conference.


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Creative Suite 6 access is now available on a month-to-month basis; subscribers get 20GB online storage.