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[Note: 流媒体 publishes vendor-supplied case studies like this one based solely on their value to our readers.]

iPad上的ABC播放器大张旗鼓地发布,赢得了好评如潮. 在这一成功的基础上, 美国广播公司开始为iPad开发专门的ABC新闻应用程序, 旨在提供丰富, 交互式终端用户体验,文本和视频一起工作,提供信息和娱乐. 这款免费的美国广播百家乐软件应用首次亮相的目标用户是300多万iPad用户. 美国广播百家乐软件是第一家为iPad提供应用程序的广播新闻机构, 在新设备上专业制作视频的初始市场中获得了很大的份额. ABC是如何在如此短的时间内将其内容移植到iPad上的?


美国广播公司. (ABC)是华特迪士尼公司的子公司.是一家主要的娱乐内容制作商和分销商. ABC owns a video content library dating from 1970 as well as most of its in-house television 和 theatrical productions. 每周有将近100小时的网络编程时间, 美国广播公司每小时都在维护并不断增加其庞大的视频收藏. The network is also a recognized market leader in providing rich video content to online 和 mobile platforms by way of its innovative player that is available on the ABC website 和 on iTunes. 此外,ABC的大部分内容都是由ABC提供的.com和Hulu.


随着新媒体平台的激增, content producers such as ABC are 越来越多地 challenged to supply archived 和 first-run video for playback in a variety of formats on a range of devices over b和width-constrained networks. 当像iPad这样的新设备进入市场时, 大型内容提供商必须准备好将视频资产转换为兼容的格式和显示. 但是格式和显示只是等式的一部分. 在过去, a single transcode was sufficient for progressive video download to a desktop or laptop computer; today, 多个副本, 因此会有相同内容的多个转码, 需要在各种设备上提供尽可能高质量的体验吗. 视频压缩是一项计算密集型任务, 并且随着媒体需求的不断增加,跨各种显示平台的媒体成倍增加, 它经常被证明是内容提供者和发布者的一个重要痛点或瓶颈.


自适应比特率流 is literally seamless in that the video consumer need not adjust settings to cope with variability in network conditions. 在感知质量方面, the end user remains virtually unaware of changes to the video bitrate occurring dynamically in the background. Bitrate changes occur as both network 和 client resources fluctuate while maintaining smooth delivery of streaming video without buffering or other interruption.

自适应比特率流 to the iPad therefore requires not only conversion of existing content to a variety of display 决议 和 比特率 optimized for the device but also a mix of files to be available for real-time stream switching. 为了实现这个目标, 内容提供商必须跨一系列设置(如.e., 决议, 比特率, protocols) rather than relying on a single encoded file to address all network 和 client conditions before delivering to a content delivery network (CDN).


自适应比特率流, 可通过Adobe等公司指定的各种协议获得, 微软, 和苹果, is quickly becoming a technology requirement for content providers 和 distributors supplying video to web-based devices such as laptops, 移动电话, 和, 越来越多地, 平板电脑平台. 以iPad为例, ABC had to encode 和 segment years 和 years of video into the fragments required for Apple’s HTTP adaptive streaming protocol to display the highest possible quality video via the web 和 on-the-go.

为了迎接这一挑战, ABC deployed 基本的服务器 into its production workflow to customize video content for its ABC 新闻 application for the iPad. 基本的服务器

is a file-based video processing system that performs high-speed video transcoding for multiscreen video applications. At the heart of the system is patent-pending software that harnesses the power 和 programmability of modern graphics processing units (GPUs). These highly programmable multicore processors feature a massively parallel architecture well-suited to complex video compression tasks. 目前gpu的处理核心多达512个, 所有这些都可以同时执行重型视频处理和转换功能. 通过利用GPU的力量, 视频处理和转换所需的时间大大减少.

除了, CPU百家乐软件被释放给其他任务使用, 允许提高吞吐量和充分有效地使用系统百家乐软件.


基本的服务器是一个基于linux的系统,设计用于执行转码作业. 转码作业被定义为对输入媒体资产的处理. This includes conversion of an input to one or many files as well as the application of any required video effects. 元素服务器执行的关键功能包括解码, 视频处理/转换, 文件格式. 基本的服务器提供通用输入支持, 接受一系列传入的文件格式和编解码器, 并提供针对GPU优化的高级预处理功能.

Elemental的输出编解码器是内部开发的,并从头开始为GPU设计. 支持的编解码器包括H.264, VC-1,和mpeg - 2, 转换后的文件可以包装在各种Flash容器中, 适用于Windows Media, 或MPEG-2传输流. 媒体也可以格式化为自适应比特率协议,包括ISMV平滑流, F4V为Flash媒体服务器, 或Apple Adaptive的m3u8. cablelabs兼容的流也是一个可用的选项.

为美国广播公司, 基本的服务器 expedites the transcode portion of the overall workflow 和 directly addresses the lag time between the availability of content on ABC.并通过iPad获得相同的内容. 基本的服务器的编码操作速度提高了5倍, 消除了ABC的转码瓶颈, 并帮助公司几乎同时向多个平台提供内容.

除了克服现有解决方案的速度和性能限制之外, 基本的服务器 also addresses the Apple App Store requirement to use the m3u8 file extension as well as to provide a 64K-bitstream for all video apps. 文件通常是640x360或480x360, 每秒24帧, 大小为48 GOP,每10秒增加一次. 美国广播公司目前通过Akamai的流媒体服务提供苹果iPad的内容. 在ABC新闻用例中,每个输入文件被格式化为以下五个输出:

  • 700Kbps:视频652Kbps,音频48Kbps
  • 500Kbps:视频452Kbps,音频48Kbps
  • 300Kbps:视频252Kbps,音频48Kbps
  • 150Kbps:视频118Kbps,音频32Kbps
  • 64Kbps: 36Kbps视频和24Kbps音频(JPEG叠加和音频)

All of the video content available through the free ABC 新闻 App for iPad is generated by 基本的服务器. The app interface features the iconic ABC 新闻 globe populated with different stories including up-to-the-minute news 和 historical content reaching back several decades. 触摸界面可以操纵3D地球仪,或者用户可以摇动它来随机选择一个故事. The user can dynamically change the video display resolution with a single swipe of the finger 和 set parameters to filter for preferred topics. 旋转的地球仪包含来自ABC的内容.go.包括早安美国,夜线,20/20和本周的故事. 仅在发布一周后,ABC新闻应用程序就成为应用商店中最受欢迎的iPad应用程序之一.


基本的服务器 significantly streamlines content conversion for the iPad with a substantial increase in transcoding efficiency compared to existing solutions. Built-in presets for the iPad eliminate the need for customized encoding settings 和 save operator time. The performance available with a single 基本的服务器 system reduces the number of systems required for large-scale transcoding tasks, 从而降低运营成本和管理费用. 除了, the system’s flexibility allows effective conversion of video for the iPad today 和 ensures support for video delivery st和ards 和 protocols such as HTML5 和 WebM in the future. The system’s massively parallel architecture can easily h和le the processing required to transcode simultaneous inputs 和 outputs in real time. 使用元素服务器, ABC can convert more than 20 640x360 or 480x360 files in real time for on-dem和 adaptive bitrate streaming.

基本的服务器 merges the performance benefits of a massively parallel hardware platform with the versatility 和 forward compatibility of intelligent software to give video publishers 和 distributors unmatched price/performance for video compression. 利用图形处理器的强大功能, 基本的服务器提供了比其他解决方案更高的密度和吞吐量. 系统同时提供, faster-than-real-time conversion of multiple HD 和 SD video streams across an array of devices including TVs, 个人电脑, 平板电脑, 还有手机.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

ABC Exp和s Live App to Four Additional Markets; 更多的 to Come

赫斯特拥有13家电视台,覆盖范围将很快扩大, 但接入仅限于选定的付费电视提供商.

