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今天,我们开始接受2015流媒体读者选择奖的提名. 这是唯一一个由最重要的人决定获奖者的奖项——你, 终端用户.

This year we're featuring 32 categories, as detailed below, including a new category for OTT Platform for MSO and MVPD. 任何人, including vendors themselves, can make nominations, 对于给定的产品或服务,只需要一次提名. We will only accept one nomination per company per category. 我们的编辑团队将评估所有提名,然后在投票开始时宣布最终提名.

提名 open today, June 15, run until July 31. 一旦我们有机会整理你的推荐,我们将在8月10日(或前后)开始投票. In a change from previous years, companies will not be able to solicit their employees to vote for their nominees; we don't want this contest to be decided based on the number of employees a company has. Voting will conclude on October 1. 10月15日,我们将宣布决赛选手——每个类别的前三名得票者.

Click here for nomination form

The winners will be announced November 18 at 流媒体 West, 还是在亨廷顿海滩的亨廷顿海滩度假酒店举行, 加州. This year's awards are sponsored by Ephiphan系统, Elemental TechnologiesTeradek. Winners will be featured in an article in 流媒体 magazine and Streaming媒体.com, as well as our 流媒体 Xtra newsletter.

如果你想看看哪些公司在2014年获得了流媒体读者选择奖, 看看我们的 获奖名单. Last year we received more than 30,000 votes.

我们不能没有你,所以请想想哪些公司做得很出色 make your nominations. The categories below are listed in alphabetical order.


专业音频混音器已经成为现场制作人不可或缺的工具, especially for live streams, 比起混浊的音频,用户更容易容忍劣质的视频.


今天的捕获卡比以往任何时候都更加健壮和强大. Which one is offers the most bang for the buck?

Cellular Bonding Solution

Presenting a useful way to broadcast from the field, 蜂窝连接解决方案已经开始用于实时或按需覆盖.

Closed Captioning Solution

Closed captioning isn't just a good idea; in many cases, it's the law. Making it simple and accurate is crucial.

Cloud Encoding/Transcoding Service

Who's got the best SaaS for encoding and transcoding video, in terms of quality, 周转时间, 和服务?

Content Delivery Network


Desktop Video Editing Software

What's the best software for editing video on the desktop, in terms of power, 速度, 选项, user interface?

DRM/Access Control Solution

As premium content owners try to reach more devices, 他们需要更细致入微的数字版权管理和访问控制方法. 哪种解决方案能为内容所有者和消费者提供最佳体验?

Education Video Platform

教育机构在发布视频时有着独特的需求,也面临着不同的挑战. 哪个视频平台最适合学校和大学?

Encoding Software

今年我们将桌面编码和企业级编码结合起来, as we search for the best overall encoding software.

Enterprise Video Platform

当大型组织希望创建自己的内部YouTube或其他全公司范围的视频解决方案时, this is the platform they should look to first.


Whether you’re shooting in bright, 室外阳光或试图匹配来自不同相机的图像, 便携式高清或4K现场监视器对于可靠地提供高质量的镜头至关重要.


现场记录, camera-attached or otherwise, 当您需要存档高质量的提要以供编辑和按需交付时,在视频制作中发挥关键作用.



Hardware Encoder (On-Demand)


Hardware Encoder (Live)


Live Video Platform


媒体 & Entertainment Video Platform

哪个在线视频平台可以让工作室和其他出版商最好地管理和分发他们的视频节目? (注意,今年我们增加了一个单独的类别“面向MSO和MVPD的OTT平台”.")


识别为听众和观众提供音频和视频文件的最佳硬件或软件解决方案, regardless of delivery protocol.

Multi-Language Solution


OTT Platform for MSO and MVPD

As MSOs and MVPDs deliver more over-the-top content, 他们正在寻找比传统媒体和娱乐视频平台更强大、更实用的解决方案. 

Portable 在线直播 Appliance


报告 & Analytics Platform

这些解决方案提供视频收视率和/或服务质量报告和分析, whether standalone or as part of a larger offering.

搜索 & Discovery Platform

These solutions use metadata, speech and facial recognition, 或者其他方法来帮助用户轻松找到他们正在寻找的视频,或者根据他们的个人信息发现推荐.

Transparent Video Caching Solution


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Whether it’s quadcopters, hexacopters, 或者八, 无人驾驶飞行器或遥控飞行系统(又名无人机)是这些天最热门的视频设备之一, 当与数码单反或gopro或其他POV捕捉设备配对时.

Video Advertising Solution

这些平台和工具提供广告插入、预先构建的放置选项和成功跟踪, 或者帮助品牌通过在线出版商执行视频活动.

Video Camera (Less than $2500)

Video Camera (更多的 than $2500)

It all starts with the camera, 今年我们将把它们列入读者选择奖, broken into two categories by price.

Video Switcher/Mixer


Webcasting/Presentation Solution (On-Premises)

These in-house solutions capture video and audio, combine it with slides and images, 并在与Q互动的环境中将其传递给在线观众&A, surveys, more.

Webcasting/Presentation Solution (Cloud)

Webcasting and presentations are a big area this year, so we've broken the category into local and cloud solutions.

for qualified subscribers
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Companies and Suppliers Mentioned