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How Australia's Optus Missed the Goal at the World Cup

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他说:“距离世界杯最后一球踢出还有五天时间, but the sense of relief in South Africa is already palpable,” wrote Gideon Rachman for the 金融时报》 in 2010. “Over the past month, 这个国家通过举办世界上最大的体育赛事来考验自己.”


巴西, 例如, managed to pull off hosting not only the 2014 World Cup, but also the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. So did Russia in 2014, 当时该国匆忙完成了索契及其周边的场馆,这些场馆曾用于2014年冬季奥运会和今年的世界杯.

“When it came to the World Cup, the government got its act together,” wrote Rachman of the 2010 contest in South Africa, “部分原因是它受到了巨大的外部压力,即比赛将被转移, if deadlines and promises were broken.”

So what does this have to do with streaming?


虽然这些东道国的重点往往是如何将人们转移到场馆, it’s also on ways to move bits from the venues to the waiting world.

In the case of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, 许多广播公司花钱引进设备——从卫星上行链路到“大铁”路由器, 两者都需要在多个主办城市之间传输数据,并将数据传输到世界其他地方,然后再次付费将这些昂贵的设备从场馆移出,以便在其他地方使用.

Sports fans take their global events very seriously, 任何技术上的小失误都被广泛认为是灾难性的——无论是在当下还是从长远来看.

One need look no further than late June 2018, 当澳都斯, Australia’s second­largest mobile wireless carrier, 在未能成功直播2018年世界杯首轮比赛后,它引起了澳大利亚总理的公众关注.

Optus首席执行官艾伦·卢(艾伦·卢)表示,Optus未能成功交付开幕式比赛是由于技术问题,他称之为“前所未有的需求”,” technology pundits pointed out that the World Cup was, 通过定义, an event of unprecedented demand.

“It is the biggest sporting event in the world,” Trevor Long told Australia’s ABC 新闻 Radio, 任何人都可以查看之前的电视收视率,看看有多少人会收看.”

The failure got the attention of national soccer players, who asked Australian Prime Minster Malcolm Turnbull to intervene with Optus.

“I have spoken with the Optus CEO, 艾伦·卢,” the prime minster posted on Twitter, 他补充说,卢“正在关注世界杯直播的问题,他相信这个问题会在今晚得到解决。.”

不幸的是, 尽管有CEO的亲自关注和48小时的暂停——在此期间,Optus询问了联合版权所有者SBS, an Australian free­to­air broadcaster, 介入并转播一些Optus拥有版权的比赛,移动运营商无法解决其技术问题.


“如果你正在寻找世界杯,并且你已经注册了这个Optus体育套餐,朗写道。, “他们设计网络将电视传送到手机的方式, tablets and screens around Australia has failed.”

What was the end result of this grand experiment? In a somewhat prescient interview with 电信时代, a few days before the Optus fiasco, 吉姆•奥尼尔, principal industry analyst at Ooyala, an online video platform owned by Australia’s Telstra, 他指出,体育赛事直播的消费者同样对体育赛事直播的OTT (over-the-top delivery)持批评态度.

“消费者的挫败感——尤其是观众可以使用的流媒体服务的数量——正在推动整体OTT体验的改善,奥尼尔说. “[W]hile the television remains a popular choice, 如果他们在任何一个“体验质量”因素上失败,他们应该期望他们的客户同时观看其他在线内容.”

奥尼尔是对的, 除了他在Ooyala母公司的祖国澳大利亚完全搞反了, as the Optus fiasco demonstrates. 而不是观众只在电视播放失败时才从电视转向OTT, 奥尼尔没有注意到,相反的情况——如果OTT失败,观众会迅速转向电视——往往是正确的. The viewers may not like sitting in one place to view the event, 但他们至少知道,电视转播将提供一致的体验.

以800万美元购买澳大利亚世界杯转播权开始的Optus最终将其一半的比赛通过SBS进行传统转播, which Lew spun as Optus having “provided several ways to watch the matches.此外, Optus offered refunds to consumers and advertisers alike, 并“引入了一系列措施来解决一些Optus体育观众遇到的技术问题。.”

“Optus says yes to delivering this flexibility and choice,” said Lew. “We encourage people to download the Optus Sport App and give us a try.”

In some ways, Optus had to make a decision from expediency. 但第一世界的惨败凸显了一个关键点:当我们指责“第三世界”国家,并声称它们在全球体育赛事中没有齐心协力时,我们必须小心谨慎, 与此同时,我们没有测试我们自己的基础设施,以在我们自己的移动或内容交付网络上处理这些相同的全球事件.

Infrastructure matters. 所有的一切.

[This article appears in the September 2018 issue of 流媒体 magazine as "The Longest Meter."]

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