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Rampant Piracy Is the Elephant in the Live-Streaming Room

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毫无疑问,直播是在线视频领域的下一个前沿领域之一,仅次于人工智能(AI)和区块链. OK, I’m being a little sarcastic, 但确实,每个人都在谈论通过互联网提供实时线性事件. Unfortunately, as of late, 业界对直播体验的讨论实际上是关于延迟,以及直播提供商如何确保他们的在线观众尽可能接近传统的直播. 最小化“直播后的时间”(这是直播和线性直播之间的区别)很重要,这样隔壁的社交媒体用户就不会破坏大目标或触地得分, it’s nothing compared the elephant in the room.

That’s right, stream piracy.

在今年早些时候我与一位北美运营商的谈话中, 他们估计有8%到12%的宽带用户是通过非法途径收看电视的. Do the math. 如果该运营商拥有1500万用户,其中8% - 12%的用户选择退出每月75美元的电视订阅(支持非法流媒体)。, that equates to about a $113 million loss each month. That’s insane. And London-based Digital TV Research predicts that by 2022, the total loss from stream piracy will hit $52 billion. 目前,广播公司或发行商的唯一办法就是打击盗版服务. Send them cease-and-desist letters. 与地方当局协调(这可能是非常麻烦和耗时的)关闭它们. But when you terminate one, it seems another dozen pop up. One of my colleagues, in testing the piracy waters, 从一个供应商那里买了一个Kodi盒子,这个供应商主动提出来他家为他配置Kodi盒子. Piracy in live streaming isn’t something to scoff at. It’s a major economic problem that, ultimately, gets passed on to legitimate subscribers in fee and rate hikes.

Part of the problem is the lack of meaningful, real-time security measures that stream providers can take. Yes, you can tokenize the origin URLs. You can employ forensic watermarking. You can DRM the stream. 但没有什么能真正阻止流媒体盗版者在屏幕前放一个高清摄像头,然后转播传输. 不,这个解决方案对观众来说并不理想,但你会感到惊讶——质量并不差. 我甚至听说过一些初创公司(以及大型运营商的臭鼬公司)在探索区块链和人工智能技术的应用,以验证观众的身份和内容权利. That may be the way to go in the future, 一旦区块链的可扩展性问题被克服,人工智能变得更好, but it’s not a solution now. 老实说,这并不能阻止我在屏幕前放置相机的场景.

Now, don’t get me wrong. 有许多聪明人正在尝试各种不同的方法——结合技术和方法(包括手动和自动)来阻止非法的内容再流. Earlier this year, 我与一家大型体育广播公司的资深人士进行了交谈,他描述了该公司防止流媒体盗窃的流程, 它涉及手动筛选日志,以寻找可能表明非法活动的模式. 随着流媒体规模的持续增长,这不是一个站得住脚的长期解决方案.

防止流窃取的问题在于——这是最好的努力. 没有任何配置设置可以保证流不被窃取. 在可预见的未来,流媒体盗版将继续成为一个主要的行业问题. 即使分发者将安全技术层层叠加, ultimately reducing the amount of theft, piracy will continue to grow because there’s a demand for it. 也许,解决方案并不是试图阻止盗版者窃取内容. 也许答案是发行商和内容所有者想办法为他们的观众提供一些东西, some aspect of the experience that the pirates can’t replicate? Better content discovery? Some sort of reward program? Interactivity? I’m not sure what it is, 但是,试图用技术解决方案来阻止盗版,这种没完没了的打地鼠式的做法最终并没有起到作用.

[This article appears in the November/December 2018 issue of Streaming Media Magazine as "The Elephant in the Live-Streaming Room."]

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