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IBC Attendees Move in Unison to the Next Big Thing


Since I’ve been attending IBC in Amsterdam -- 2014 was my fourth, 所以虽然我还不是老手, I’ve been there enough to observe some clear trends -- each year has been marked by what a colleague likes to call “the shiny button.” The shiny button is the technology or innovation that’s going to revolutionize the video industry. That is, if it’s not supplanted first by the next one.

In 2011, it was 3D, which went nowhere. That’s not to say there wasn’t solid 3D technology on display at IBC and elsewhere, just that no amount of industry push could make up for the utter lack of consumer interest. This year’s IBC even featured an impressive display of glasses-free 3D, but even though almost every theatrical blockbuster is today released in 3D, the level of in-home takeup has been negligible.

In 2012, we heard the first rumblings about MPEG-DASH, the technology that promises to dramatically reduce storage and bandwidth costs for content owners, once the technical kinks have been worked out. The promise of an industry-wide standard, adopted by everyone who’s delivering online video, might seem to go against the spirit of innovation and competition that’s part of online video’s Silicon Valley heritage, but if the worlds of broadcast and online are to finally converge, then it only makes sense to decide on a single standard. 在IBC 2014, the MPEG-DASH Supersession was one of the best-attended panels, and there were even rumblings that Apple -- the biggest DASH holdout -- might sign on by this time next year.

In 2013, IBC都是4K的, 今年, there was no doubt that 4K in the living room is a fait accompli. 不像3D, television manufacturers have been able to push 4K hard enough that consumers will adopt it whether they want to or not. 这需要时间, with the average TV set replacement cycle still hovering between 5 and 7 years, but with the advent of HEVC (converging with the slow-but-sure implementation of MPEG-DASH), 4K是现实. Consumers appear more willing to have bigger TVs in their living rooms than they do 3D glasses.

Thank goodness hardly anyone this year was talking about 8K, or any other new shiny button. Instead, the buzz was all about the cloud. And while as recently as last year major broadcasters still showed resistance to cloud workflows and distribution, 今年,他们正在拥抱它. At an IBC session called “The Cloud and Broadcast TV,——马修·麦克唐纳, director of broadcast services at BSkyB, 保罗·克拉克, 在线技术控制器, 支付, 在ITV进行互动, said they couldn’t meet customer demand without it. That’s a huge change, and a welcome one for the world of streaming media.

当然, to think that major broadcasters will switch over to the cloud entirely is as foolhardy as to believe they can get by without using it at all. In an interview with 流媒体 a few days before IBC, another BSkyB employee -- director of 信息 technology Colin McQuade -- foreshadowed his colleague’s comments at the same time he offered some qualifying context: “As far as the holy grail of offloading everything that currently sits in an internal data center or broadcast facility ... I’ve yet to be convinced there is a service out there that can really do everything for us in the kind of large-scale, 复杂的, 我们想以客户级的方式去做, 以我们想要的代价.”

如果IBC 2014有任何主题的话, 就是这种现实主义, uncolored by political agenda and unobscured by hype. The worlds of broadcast and IP are indeed converging, though IP will no more save broadcast than broadcast will be able to survive without IP. And while technologies such as DASH and HEVC still matter, there’s no magic bullet -- or shiny button -- that’s going to replace smart approaches to the workflow and distribution challenges which require integrated, 混合解决方案.

This article appears in the October 2014 issue of 流媒体杂志 “不再有闪亮的纽扣。."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


If you've spent any time at NAB or IBC, you'd think that HEVC is ready for prime time. The reality is that, for almost every use case, it's nowhere close.

4K是否注定会成为下一个3D? 阿卡迈说不

Not long ago, 3D was the next big thing in home video. 问题是没有人想要它. 为什么4K视频会有所不同呢?

后ibc MPEG-DASH状态检查

How dynamic is MPEG-DASH ecosystem after IBC 2013? Here are an analysis of the latest trends and an extensive industry DASH-compliant solutions directory.